Sunday 15 September 2024

Linacre Butterflies - 14th September 2024

 At this time of the year, whenever the sun comes out, I like to get down to Linacre to see if there are any insects about, just in case it's the last sightings I get this year! Yesterday was such a time, with lots of sun and temperatures of 20 degrees. I wasn't disappointed, with 8 species of butterfly seen, along with two dragonflies, a few bees, craneflies, hoverflies and a wasps' nest!

The butterfly species were: Red Admiral (5), Comma (2), Peacock (2), Speckled Wood (7), Large White (2), Green-veined White (3, including a pair attempting to mate) and, best of all, a Small Copper (my first record of the year!).

Small Copper

Small Copper (and friend)

Other species seen were: Migrant Hawker (2), Brown Hawker (1), Red-tailed and Common Carder Bumblebees, Eristalis hoverflies and 1 Marmalade Hoverfly

Whilst walking along the bank below the top reservoir, I came across a hole, approximately 1/2m deep, with several hundred wasps flying around it! I peeped in, very carefully (!) and could see the remains of a wasps' nest. I couldn't get a great photo, so I'm not sure if they were Common or German Wasps, but, whatever species, it was great to see. Presumably, the nest had been discovered and dug out by a Badger, or a Honey Buzzard (only joking!!).

Wasps' nest

Sunday 8 September 2024

Year List Update - 8th September 2024

 Just 3 new additions to the Year List recently: 186 was the Hobby seen over Linacre on 31/8, 187 was a juvenile Sabine's Gull (1 of 2 present at Redmires Reservoir South Yorkshire today) and 188 - Yellow-legged Gull (1 at Redmires).

The Sabine's Gull was my first in South Yorkshire, my first juvenile bird and my first since 2016 (see label for details). It was 1 of 2 juveniles present. We (Jayne and I) only saw 1, and unfortunately, we didn't manage to get a photo before they both flew off. Next time perhaps!

Linacre - 8th September 2024

 It rained hard last night, so I decided to have a look at Linacre this morning, on the off chance that something exciting had dropped in. Guess what...? It hadn't!!!

When I go there (9am) it was dry, so I set off up to the top reservoir. On arrival, I heard Grey Wagtail ( 4 were seen) and saw the first of 94 Mallards. I then spotted a Cormorant, that very quickly turned into 2, 3, 4 and 5 ( the highest count of the year)! 

Cormorants ( distant and in the pouring rain!)

Other birds seen, before it began to rain very heavily, were: Coot (2 adults), Moorhen (7 adults and 1 juvenile), Mandarin (42), wheeting Chiffchaffs and a single Swallow.

Rufford Gulls - 3rd September 2024

 Last Tuesday was the last day of the summer holidays, so I popped to Rufford to get my first September visit to the Black-headed Gulls. I recorded 7 of "our" gulls and a new Lithuanian-ringed bird, a juvenile.

Our gulls were: 258A (my 35th sighting), 293A (my 31st sighting), 297A (my 11th sighting), 283B (my 4th sighting),  205C (my 2nd sighting), 207C (my 18th sighting) and 258C (my 11th sighting).

The Lithuanian-ringed gull, a juvenile with the metal ring HA60.507, was hanging around with the other gulls. I sent off the record, but, unfortunately, it hasn't been registered with the Lithuanian Ringing Scheme yet, so I'll have to wait a bit longer to find out where and when it was ringed! Until then, here is a photo.


Other birds seen were: 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull (1st summer/2nd year?), c30 Canada Geese, 4 Greylag Geese, Mallard, Tufted Duck, a Kingfisher (my first record here) and a very interesting-looking hybrid goose.

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Hybrid goose