Wednesday 14 August 2024

Linacre Birds and Ringing - 2 new species!

 Last week, 9th and 11th, I had my first walk and ringing session at Linacre since returning from holiday (more of that in future posts). 

On the 9th, I had a walk around the bottom and middle reservoirs. The top reservoir is still closed off, due to ongoing work on the boardwalk. The following birds were seen/heard, numbers are quite low, due to having no access to the top reservoir: Stock Dove (2), Great Crested Grebe (7; 2 adults and 2 broods of 2 and 3 juveniles), Mallard (106), Tufted Duck (8 adults, no juveniles yet this year), Mandarin Duck (17 adults), Moorhen (7 birds; 6 adults and 1 chick), Coot (2 adults), Cormorant (1), Grey Wagtail (2 juveniles), Grey Heron (3), Lesser Black-backed Gull (9; 3 adults and 6 juveniles)  and House Martin (heard). Because there are works ongoing on the top reservoir, the water levels are lower than normal. As a result, there is more mud exposed, and this has lead to a first record of a Redshank.

The ringing session took place on Sunday 11th. 5 members of Sorby Breck Group ringed 43 birds of 12 species, including a brand new species: Linnet! The Linnet, 11 in total, were part of a much larger flock of between 50 -100, that have been feeding in the neighbouring fields to the ringing site. Hopefully, they'll hang around for the winter!

Totals for the morning were: Linnet 11/0 (all juveniles), Blackcap 3/0 (all juveniles), Willow Warbler 3/0 (1 adult and 2 juveniles), Chiffchaff 3/0 (all juveniles), Garden Warbler 1/0 (juvenile), Great Tit 4/0 (1 adult and 3 juveniles), Blue Tit 3/2 (2 adults and 3 juveniles), Robin 2/1 (all juveniles), Wren 2/0 (1 adult and 1 juvenile), Dunnock 2/0 (1 adult and 1 juvenile), Chaffinch 5/0 (all juveniles, feeding with the Linnet flock) and Great-spotted Woodpecker 1/0 (1 juvenile).

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