Sunday 16 June 2024

Linacre Nestboxes -2024 Season

 Last Thursday, Jayne and I popped down to Linacre to ring the last chicks (pulli) of the 2024 season. As it turns out, contrary to many areas, the nestboxes have been very good this year, with a total of 192 pulli, 1 adult Mandarin and 1 adult Pied Flycatcher ringed.

By far the most numerous bird ringed this year was, as always, Blue Tit. In total, I ringed 20 broods, ranging from 3 - 10 birds, making a total of 132 birds (the highest number since 2018). All these nests have now fledged, and only 6 birds didn't fledge - a fledging rate of 95%, which is pretty good. The second most numerous species was Great Tit, with 6 broods of between 5-8 birds, totalling 43 birds. This time all birds fledged, so 100% success rate! The third tit species, was Coal Tit, with just 1 brood of 6 ringed. Again, all the brood fledged, so another 100% success rate! This was particularly nice, as this is only the third time this species has used the boxes, since they were put up in 2006! Last year's clutch were predated, so the previous successful nest was back in 2011. 1 Tawny Owl was also ringed. This box hasn't yet been checked, so I don't know if it has fledged yet. Likewise, the adult Mandarin Duck, and her clutch still need to be checked. The last species, Pied Flycatcher, has also had its most successful year to date. In total, 3 nests were discovered this year, 2 of which had chicks that could be ringed (2 broods of 5). The first young ringed have now fledged, and the second box will be checked again next week. The other brood was predated.

As always, all nests were monitored for the BTO's Nest Record Scheme, and all birds ringed, were done so, under BTO licence.

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