Sunday 16 June 2024

Linacre Insects - 3 new species!

 The summer of 2024 has, so far, been pretty awful weather wise, with very few periods of dry, warm weather. Today, the temperature managed to drag itself to 17 degrees (!), and there were a few sunny spells, so Jayne and I had a couple of hours at Linacre, and managed to find 3 new species!!!!

Although it was sunny, the number of insects seen was still pretty low, but it did, at least, have a few new records for the year, along with the new ones. Firstly, we spotted Common Blue Damselflies (c15), followed by 1 Speckled Wood, Swollen-thighed Beetles, Red and Black Froghopper, 3 Green-veined White, 1 Volucella pellucens (Great Pied Hoverfly), Eristalis sp, 1 Myathropa florea, 1 male Sericomyia silentis, 1 Mayfly sp, 3 Cinnabar Moths, 1 Latticed Heath and White-tailed and Common Carder Bumblebees.

Sericomyia silentis

The three new species that we saw today were: 1 Speckled Longhorn Beetle, an Agapeta hamana moth and a Orthotaenia undulana moth!

Speckled Longhorn Beetle

Agapeta hamana

Orthotaenia undulana

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