Sunday 23 June 2024

Black-headed Gull 270A - Another resighting!

News came through yesterday, that a gull I ringed in December 2020, had been re sighted in The Netherlands!

The bird in question, 270A, was originally ringed at The Carrs, Warsop, Nottinghamshire on 22/12/2020. At the the time of ringing, it was aged as a 1st year bird. Here's a picture, taken in 2020.


It hasn't been re sighted in the UK yet, mainly because we haven't been checking the wintering site!! There have, however, been 2 re sightings, both in The Netherlands, and both by the same observer, but 1 year apart! The first sighting was in Almere in 21st July 2022, and the second was last Thursday, 20th June 2024, also in Almere. Here's picture, courtesy of the finder, feeding on a landfill site!

270A in The Netherlands

I'll make sure I get to Warsop this winter, and hopefully, get a new sighting!

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