Monday 20 May 2024

Linacre Nestboxes - 19th May 2024

 Last week's visit to Linacre was very successful, with 43 active nests found. I was back down again yesterday, and am very pleased to say that the nests were still going strong. In addition, I spotted a few butterfly species, including a new one for the year.

First up, the nestboxes. Last week, there were 2 Pied Flycatcher nests, but this week, it had increased to 3! One of last week's nests had increased the number of eggs to 7 (from 5), and the other two contained 5 and 4 eggs. The Wren's nest was still active as was the Coal Tit's. These chicks were old enough to ring (brood of 6) as was the first brood of Blue Tits (6). I'm particularly pleased with Coal Tits, as this is the first time this species has successfully nested in the boxes. As always, the results will be entered into the BTO's Nest Record Scheme.

After checking the boxes, I had a quick check for butterflies, and dropped lucky with 1 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, 3 Silver Y moths and, best of all, a Painted Lady!

Painted Lady

There weren't many birds on the water (presumably still nesting), but I did record 2 broods (10 and 9) of Mandarin Ducks.

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