Sunday 26 May 2024

Downy Emerald - Lifer!!

 Jayne and I are down in West Sussex for the week, so we're taking advantage to see  few new species. Yesterday, we visited RHS Wisley, on the way down, and today, we've been to Thursley Common NNR.

RHS Wisley was fantastic, and, with temperatures around 20 degrees, we managed to see a good number of dragonflies, including several new species for the year: Red-eyed Damselfly, Azure Damselfly, Banded Demoiselle and Large Red Damselfly. We also spotted a single Edible Frog - which was quite a surprise.

Edible Frog

This morning, we drove across to Thursley Common NNR. The target species was Downy Emerald dragonfly. When we arrived at the Moat Pond, it was cool and overcast, so we didn't spot any straight away. Instead, we had a walk along the boardwalk, where we eventually managed to see a single Common Blue Damselfly, and, when the sun came out, about 5-6 Four-spotted Chasers. We carried on across the reserve, and found several Stonechats (family parties), a single Green Woodpecker, Linnets, Goldfinch, a singing Woodlark, and 3-4 Dartford Warblers (170).

Walking back to the Moat Pool, the sun had come out, and we found our first of c.6 male Downy Emerald dragonflies. They were pretty easy to see, but impossible to photograph, as they never stood still!!!! Anyway, a lovely new addition to the list of dragonfly species seen.

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