Saturday 11 May 2024

First Dragons and Butterflies

 Last week, Jayne and I went to RSPB Old Moor (see last post). Whilst there we had our first damselflies of 2024. The two species seen were: Large Red and Blue-tailed Damselfly.

Today I went to Pleasley Pit to look at the colony of introduced Small Blue butterflies. There were 6 flying around, and landing on my feet!

Small Blue

My foot (and a Small Blue)

Small Blue

Whilst there, I also saw Large Red (c.5) and Blue-tailed Damselfly (1 male), but, by far the biggest surprise, was a female Hairy Dragonfly ovipositing!! I put the record on IRecord, and it appears that it's only the second record of the year for Derbyshire! In addition, it's my first record for this site.

Hairy Dragonfly

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