Friday, 3 January 2025

Year List Continues - 3rd January 2025

 It was Jayne and my last day in Norfolk today, so we made the most of it, and added another 18 species to the Year List.

The first new bird of the day was Egyptian Goose (65), when 2 birds were spotted in a field whilst driving to RSPB Titchwell. Another species, Cattle Egret (66) was also seen, in a field by the A149, as we drove along. I was very pleased to spot this one, as it was, I think, my first self-found, in Britain. It posed beautifully, with the Highland Cattle!

Cattle Egret

We arrived at Titchwell, and, after feeding the local Robins and Blackbirds with a few left over mince pies, and spotting our first Song Thrush (67) of the year, in the car park, we went onto the reserve. We walked straight down the main path and stopped off in Island Hide, where we spotted 50+ Brent Geese, Coot (68), Redshank, Wigeon, Teal, Pintail and a single adult Mediterranean Gull (69) with the Herring and Black-headed Gulls.

Mediterranean Gull (and friends)

Continuing down the path, we spotted 6 Black-tailed Godwits, Curlew and a single Spotted Redshank (70). 

Spotted Redshank

Great-crested Grebe (71), Goldeneye - 2 females (72), Grey Plover (73), Ringed Plover (74), Stonechat (75), Avocet (76), Reed Bunting (77) and Linnet (78) were also added at this point. A single Black-winged Stilt was seen, but, as it was wearing a plastic ring, and is an escaped bird, it can't be added to the Year List!

A quick seawatch was pretty tricky, in the freezing wind, and we only managed to spot 6 Sanderlings, 12 Oystercatchers and  3 Turnstones!!

The last species of the day were: Red-breasted Merganser (1 male on the reserve - 79), Rock Pipit (80), Dunnock (81 - 1 in the car park) and Red-legged Partridge (6 seen in a field on the drive back -82).

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Norfolk Birding - 2nd January 2025

 Jayne and I set out early this morning, to try and add a few more species to add to the Year List. We had a few false starts, but, in the end, managed to add 19 new species.

Our first new bird was Tawny Owl (46), that was heard from the house. Red Kite (47),  Kestrel (48), Curlew (49) and Blue Tit (50) were added on the drive across to Old Hunstanton, where, after a while, we managed to get distant views of the juvenile Glaucous Gull (51). Whilst walking along the beach, we had great views of at least 200 Sanderling, 10s of Redshank and Turnstone, 100+ Oystercatchers, Black-headed, Herring and Common Gulls.

Fieldfare (52) and Barnacle Goose (53) were added, on the drive to St Anne's Drive. Whilst searching (unsuccessfully) for the Long-billed Dowitcher and Shorelark (!!), we saw Ruff (54), Snipe (55). Chaffinch (56), Meadow Pipit (57) and Cormorant (58). 

Later in the day, a Sparrowhawk (59) flew low along the road, and, when we got to Stiffkey, we added House Sparrow (60), Great Spotted Woodpecker (61),and, perhaps the bird of the bird, a Glossy Ibis (62).

Glossy Ibis

Our last stop was Stiffkey Marshes, where we spotted a hunting ringtail Hen Harrier (63) and a female Merlin (64). Not a bad way to end the day!

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

2025 Year List Begins

 This year's Year List started off quite slowly, as the weather here in Norfolk was very windy! By the end of the day, however, Jayne and I had managed a respectable 45 species.

The first birds, seen from our holiday house in Wiveton, were: Black-headed Gull (1), Woodpigeon (2), Pink-footed Goose (3), Pheasant (4), Carrion Crow (5), Lapwing (6) and Goldfinch (7).

Later in the morning, we popped down to the Norfolk Wildlife Trust's Cley Marshes Reserve., where we managed to dodge the rain (ish!), and logged another 34 species: Robin (8), Blackbird (9), Skylark (10), Marsh Harrier (11), Shoveler (12), Wigeon (13), Mute Swan (14), Shelduck (15), Mallard (16), Gadwall (17), Teal (18), Pintail (19), Herring Gull (20), Kingfisher (21), Greylag Goose (22), Turnstone (23), Dunlin (24), Pied Wagtail (25), Redshank (26), Little Egret (27), Jackdaw (28), Rook (29), Golden Plover (30), Great Black-backed Gull (31), Sanderling (32), Brent Goose (Dark-bellied - 33), Common Gull (34), Collared Dove (35), Jay (36), Grey Heron (37), Bearded Tit (38), Starling (39), Wren (40) and Black-tailed Godwit (41). 

Grey Heron and Little Egret

The last five species were seen in the afternoon: Buzzard (42), Long-tailed Tit (43), Magpie (44) and Oystercatcher (45).