Anyway, the 2020 season began on 3rd April, when the first few pieces of grass and leaves were brought into the box. I always spot this, as most of the material ends up on our back door step!! Nest building continued, and the first egg was laid on 11th April ( 4 days later than 2019, and a full week later than my earliest ever egg on 4th April 2017).
Starlings lay one egg a day, and so, by 15th April, we had a full clutch of 5 eggs.
15th April - full clutch
The birds will now incubate for a couple of weeks, so I'll leave well alone and check on the young birds' progress, when they've hatched.
All the data that I collect will be forwarded to the BTO's Nesting Neighbours Scheme (previously known as Nestbox Challenge).